The International Conference on Nano Research and Development (ICNRD-2021) is going to be held in Singapore from March 25-27, 2021. On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite the participants from all over the world to take part in this splendid event.
With the theme “Breakthrough and Innovation in Nano Science and Technology”, ICNRD-2021 is aiming to bring you the latest research progress and innovation on Nano science and technology. 3 days agenda will be comprised of Plenary Forum, Breakout Sessions, Young Scientist Forum, Poster Sessions covering the topics from Breakthrough in Basic Research of Nano, Advances and Innovations in Nano World to Nanotechnology Applications.
ICNRD-2021 will be a best platform for the leading academicians, scientists, researchers, engineers, practitioners to share their research achievement and indulge in interactive discussions and technical program at the event. There will be also a space for companies and institutions to present their technology, service, products, and innovations.
Finally, we hope ICNRD-2021 will be an inspiration to influence for future research and development of Nano science and technology. Wish all the participants will have a fruitful conference experiences, as well as explore the beauty of Singapore.
Dr. Jeffrey Brinker, Distinguished Professor, The University of New Mexico, USA; Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Brinker has made numerous pioneering contributions to processing, characterization, and understanding of porous and composite nanostructured materials. Moreover, using this body of materials synthesis approaches, Jeff developed new classes of nanoparticle-based therapeutics for treatment of cancer and rare and infectious diseases. Furthermore he was one of the first to recognize and champion the need for multidisciplinary materials research, actively engaging chemists in materials science.
Dr. Brinker pioneered sol-gel-science and materials synthesis from soluble molecular precursors. He combined sol-gel processing with molecular self-assembly to create new classes of nanoscale materials for applications in energy and human health. Dr. Brinker is currently one of two Sandia National Laboratory Fellows (the highest technical position at Sandia) and Distinguished and Regent’s Professor at the University of New Mexico (the highest honors bestowed upon UNM faculty) with joint appointments in the departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. |
Dr. Tai-Shung Chung, Provost’s Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore
Dr. Chung’s research focuses on polymeric membranes. In 2005-2008, he worked as a Senior Consultant for Hyflux, led and built its membrane research team. He became a Fellow in the Academy of Engineering Singapore in 2012 and received IChemE (Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK) Underwood Medal for exceptional research in separations and Singapore President’s Technology Award in 2015. He was a highly cited researcher in Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering by the Elsevier and Shanghai Global Ranking in 2016 and received Distinction Award in Water Reuse and Conservation from International Desalination Association (IDA) in 2016. He is also a highly cited researcher from Clarivate Analytics in 2018 and 2019.
Plenary Forum |
Breakout Sessions |
Breakout Sessions |
Breakout Sessions |
Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speech
Special Symposia: Thin Films as Interface Materials
Poster Session |
Part 1: Breakthrough in Basic Research of Nano
Session 1: Nano-Chemistry
Session 2: Nano-Physics
Session 3: Nano-Biotechnology
Session 4: Nano-Electronics
Session 5: Nano-Magnetics
Session 6: Nano-Optics, Nano-Photonics |
Part 2: Advances and Innovations in Nano World
Session 7 (I): Nanomedicine
Session 7 (II): Nanomedicine
Session 8: Nano-Fabrication, Characterization and Nanoengineering
Session 9: Nanotechnology Applied in Drug Delivery
Session 10: Graphene and Fullerene
Session 11: Nano-Imaging
Session 12: Nano Robots, Nano Devices, and Nano Sensors
Session 13: Nanoparticles
Session 14 (I): Nanomaterials
Session 14 (II): Nanomaterials
Session 15: Nanotubes, Nanowires and Nanofilms
Session 16: Nanocomposites |
Part 3: Nanotechnology Applications
Session 17 (I): Nanotech for Energy
Session 17 (II): Nanotech for Energy
Session 18: Nanotech for Water Treatment and Environment
Session 19: Nanotech for Biological and Medical Applications
Young Scientist Forum |
Dr. Jeffrey Brinker, Distinguished Professor, The University of New Mexico, USA; Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Dr. Tai-Shung Chung, Provost’s Chair Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore |
Dr. Harald Fuchs, Professor, University of Münster, Germany. Member of the German National Academy of Science ‘Leopoldina’, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering 'acatech', and 'TWAS' |
Dr. William I. Milne, Emeritus Professor, Electrical Division, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, UK; Fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering |
Dr. Alexander M. Korsunsky, Professor of Engineering Science, Fellow of Trinity College Oxford, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK |
Dr. Jun'ichi Sone, Principal Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); Executive Vice President Emeritus, National Institute for Materials Science; Former President, Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Japan, Japan |
Dr. Xin Yao, Full Professor, Doctor of Material Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |
Dr. Rénal Backov, Professor, University of Bordeaux, France; Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Dr. Alex Dommann, Head of Department, Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Center for X-ray Analytics, Switzerland |
Dr. Olga A. Azarova, Leading Research Scientist, Department of Mathematical Modeling of Computer-Aided Design Systems, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
Dr. Jian Xu, Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Dr. Yasujiro Murata, Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Japan |
Dr. Kui Yu, Professor, Engineering Research Center in Biomaterials, Sichuan University, China |
Dr. Ulrich Stimming, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry – School of Natural and Environmental Chemistry, Bedson Building, Newcastle University, UK |
Dr. Zuowan Zhou, Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University, China |
Dr. Zulfiqur Ali, Director, Healthcare Innovation Centre, Teesside University, UK |
Dr. J. Joshua Yang, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, USA |
Dr. David Lishan, Principal Scientist, Plasma-Therm LLC, USA |
Dr. Werner Urland, Professor, Private Institute of Theoretical Chemical Physics, Switzerland |
Dr. Len Pagliaro, CEO, Siva Therapeutics Inc., USA |
Dr. Lars Thylen, Professor Emeritus, Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology, School of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Dr. Luke L. Hsiung, Materials Scientist, Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA |
Dr. Toshio Takiya, General Manager of Business and Product Development Center, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Japan |
Dr. Saulius Juodkazis, Director, Nanotechnology Facility, Swinburne Univeristy of Technology, Australia |
The proceedings will be published in full text in a periodical on Trans Tech Publications Ltd's website at: www.scientific.net via Journal of Nano Hybrids and Composites (NHC), ISSN Web: 2297-3400, which will send to be Indexed by all major citation databases.
All published materials are archived with PORTICO and CLOCKSS.
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