• Event Date
  • December 3-5, 2021
  • Event Location
  • Chengdu, China

Fees and Payment


  1. 1. The registration fees are different for onsite and online participants. 
  2. 2. All the presenting authors, including onsite and online speakers, poster presenters, full length papers authors must pay non-refundable pre-registration fee. Your pre-registration will be valid only provided the payment is received before the deadline of Nov.30, 2021. On-site registration opportunity is for non-presenting authors only.
  3. 3. The payment can be paid by credit card, PayPal or wire transfer in US Dollars or Alipay, Wechat by RMB. The difference caused by bank service and exchange rate is NOT included.


For Onsite Participants
*Special Discount
Students can get 50% off for “regular” registration.



Before November 30, 2021



  • Conference materials includes Conference Proceedings, Handbag, Conference Guide, etc.
  • Coffee break during the conference
  • Lunches for 2 days during the conference
  • One abstract included in conference proceedings or One Poster

RMB ¥2,000

RMB ¥2,200

Package A
(Five-star Hotel)

  • Conference materials includes Conference Proceedings, Handbag, Conference Guide, etc.
  • Coffee break during the conference
  • One ticket reception banquet
  • Lunches for 2 days during the conference
  • One abstract included in conference proceedings or One Poster
  • 2 nights hotel reservation with one breakfast(Check in December 3, Check out December 5)

RMB ¥2,800

RMB ¥3,000


Online Participation



Nov. 30, 2021

On site


  • Access all the online meetings.
  • Program and abstract book in PDF
  • One abstract included in abstract books (optional)
  • One poster stand (optional)




  • Access all the online meetings.
  • Program and abstract book in PDF
  • One abstract included in abstract books (optional)
  • One poster stand (optional)





  1. 1. No refund for all presenting authors including onsite and online speakers, poster presenters, full length papers authors and exhibitors.
  2. 2. Hotel Cancellation deadline is Nov. 30, 2021. One night room fee ¥400 will be charged.
  3. 3. Cancellation should be made to email cecilia@istci.org before the cancellation deadline.



Telegraphic transfer

Payment by Wechat
Payment by Alipay

Remark: Please send your payment copy with “Name+CCCO2021” to cecilia@istci.org. Invoice issue please call 0411-39417298.

Latest News

• Online Registration is Open
 November 15, 2020

• Call for Speakers!
November 15, 2020

• Welcome to the website of CCCO-2021
November 1, 2020

Important Dates

• Abstract Submission Start Day
Jan. 15th, 2021

• Earlybird Registration Start Day
Feb 20th, 2021

• Earlybird Registration Deadline
April 30th, 2021

• Abstract Submission Deadline
October 15th, 2021

• Acceptance Notification Deadline
November 15th, 2021