• Event Date
  • October 28-30, 2022
  • Event Location
  • Osaka, Japan
The organizing committee decided to postpone WCF-2021 due to the current Covid-19 status in Japan. Further data information please visit https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/.
Event date is to be confirmed.
Speakers who are interested in WCF-2023 in Budapest https://www.istci.org/wcf2023/index.asp please contact us via johanna@istci.org for more information.
Speech Abstracts

      Abstracts (overviews) are limited to 300 words in length, and must be presented on a single page. Time allotted for oral presentations will be 20 to 50 minutes, as determined by the committee.

      The author must certify that no prior copyright or IP issue or ownership applies to their papers. Once a presentation is accepted, content may not be significantly revised prior to presentation at the annual summit. The summit is not responsible for any copyright and IP issue, but authors themselves.

      Each abstract submission will include a computer diskette (or email attachment). Submissions and supporting diskettes and documentation will not be returned to you.

      Timely submission will allow the committee an early decision regarding your paper or abstract.

      The document should be in Microsoft Word (*.doc), the document should be named as author's name, the content should be in English and author's autobiography is obligatory.

      The paper should be attached by author's name, telephone number, detail address of affiliated institution, post code and e-mail address.

      The following format is for your reference. If necessary, please download Sample.

      Submit a paper and an abstract deadline: August 31st, 2022.



      Authorization Policy
      By submitting abstract to the organizer,
      1. You grant permission to ISTCI and FLC to use your submitted abstracts, pictures for conference purposes.

      2. Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. No editing of abstract texts will be done. However, failure to comply with the format of abstract template may be corrected by the meeting organizers.

      3. After submission, abstracts cannot be changed by the authors anymore. In case of any changes, the authors should submit a revised abstract to the program coordinator to replace the original abstract.

      4.  Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The authors are responsible for any Intellectual Property issues concerning the abstracts on their own.




Latest News

• Online Registration is Open
July 1st, 2019

• Call for speakers!
July 1st, 2019

• Welcome to the website of WCF-2021
June 20th, 2019

Important Dates

• Abstract Submission Start Day
July 1st, 2019

• Earlybird Registration Start Day
July 1st, 2019

• Earlybird Registration Deadline
Sep. 30th, 2019

• Abstract Submission Deadline
August 31st, 2022

• Acceptance Notification Deadline
August 20th, 2022

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