The proceedings will be published in full text in a periodical on Trans Tech Publications Ltd's website at: www.scientific.net via Journal of Key Engineering Material-KEM, which will send to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex (Engineering Village), Scopus, etc.
All published materials are archived with PORTICO and CLOCKSS.
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Online Registration is Open
August 1st, 2019 |
Call for speakers!
August 1st, 2019 |
Welcome to the website of AMSE-2021 July 18th, 2019 |
Abstract Submission Start Day
August 1st, 2019 |
Earlybird Registration Start Day
August 1st, 2019 |
Earlybird Registration Deadline
October 31st, 2019 |
Abstract Submission Deadline
May 31st,2021 |
Acceptance Notification Deadline
June 10th, 2021 |
Notification of Cancellation |
It is a great honor for us to announce that International Congress on Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering 2021 (AMSE-2021) will be held during July 22-25, 2021 in Vienna, Austria. On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite the participants from all over the world to take part in this splendid event.
With the theme “ Diversification Research and Development of Advanced Materials ”, AMSE-2021 will include plenary forum, 31 breakout sessions, and poster sessions covering main topics from Semiconductor Materials, Electronic Materials, Optical Materials, Carbon, Graphene and Graphene-LikeTwo-Dimensional Materials, Smart materials, Nano materials, Biomaterials, Advanced Ceramics and Glass, Polymer materials, Carbon and graphene, Quantum dot, etc.
4 days brilliant scientific program and social activities are well designed to build a bridge cross the basic research and new application of advanced materials. Top scientists and young researchers are both welcomed to share their recent achievement and brainstorm new ideas on their recent research. We hope AMSE-2021 will be a space without borders for all the professionals to access and exchange the latest trends and information in this field.
Finally, we would like to extend our sincere invitation to you again! We believe AMSE-2021 will be a success and fruitfull conference for all the participants. Wish you have a wonderful experience in Vienna! |
Honorary Chairmen of AMSE-2021 |
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Dr. Hans Fecht, Member, European Academy of Sciences; Chaired Professor and Director, Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, University of Ulm, Germany; Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria
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Dr. Subhash C. Singhal, Battelle Fellow and Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the Washington State Academy of Sciences; Fellow of four professional societies (American Ceramic Society, The Electrochemical Society, ASM International, and American Association for the Advancement of Science), USA
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Dr. Yoon-Bong Hahn, Fellow, The American Ceramic Society; Fellow, Korea Academy of Science and Technology; Director, BK21 Center for Future Energy Materials and Devices; Head, School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
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Dr. Qingjie Zhang, Director, State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing; President, Wuhan University of Technology; Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
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Plenary Speakers of AMSE-2021 |
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Speech Title: Fabrication and Applications of Nanocrystalline Diamond Hbyrid Components
Dr. Hans Fecht, Member, European Academy of Sciences; Chaired Professor and Director, Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, University of Ulm, Germany; Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Austria
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Speech Title: The Materials and Engineering Intregrity Issues Confronting Future Energy Needs
Dr. Michael J. Kelly, Professor, University of Cambridge; Fellow, The Royal Society; Fellow, The Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
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Speech Title: Global Scale Storage of Intermittent Power Sources
Dr. Jerry M. Woodall, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Davis; Member, National Academy of Engineering, USA
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Speech Title: Dense Amorphous Boron-rich SiBCN Monoliths Resistant to High-temperature Oxidation
Dr. Yu Zhou, President, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineereing
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Speech Title: Highly Stable and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Functional Nanocomposites
Dr. Yoon-Bong Hahn, Fellow, The American Ceramic Society; Fellow, Korea Academy of Science and Technology; Director, BK21 Center for Future Energy Materials and Devices; Head, School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea
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Speech Title: Advanced Materials for High Temperature Fuel Cells
Dr. Subhash C. Singhal, Battelle Fellow and Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the Washington State Academy of Sciences; Fellow of four professional societies (American Ceramic Society, The Electrochemical Society, ASM International, and American Association for the Advancement of Science), USA
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Speech Title: Liquid Crystalline Chiral photonic Crystals of Extraordinary Dimensions for Ultrafast and Advanced Photonics
Dr. Iam-Choon Khoo, William E. Leonhard Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering ; Director of Liquid Crystals and Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University; Fellow of IEEE; Fellow of The Optical Society -OSA, Fellow of UK Institute of Physics and The Electromagnetic Academy, USA
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Speech Title: Composite Ceramic Electrode Development for Co-electrolysis Applications
Dr. S. Skinner, Professor, Imperial College London; Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry; Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining; Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK; Member of The Electrochemical Society; Member of The Materials Research Society; Member of The American Ceramic Society, USA
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Speech Title:Development and Applications of In-situ Ceramic Particles Reinforced Tungsten and Molybdenum Alloys
Dr. Shizhong Wei, Vice President, Henan University of Science and Technology, China
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Speech Title: Nano-scale and Q-dot Structures in Glass – Synthesis, Fabrication and Applications
Dr. Animesh Jha, Professor, University of Leeds; Fellow, Optical Society of America; Fellow, Institute of Physics; Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
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Speech Title: Self-assembled Nano-structures in Mixed III-V and III-N Epitaxial Layers and their Influence on Electronic and Optical Properties
Dr. Subhash Mahajan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, The University of California, Davis, USA; Member, The National Academy of Engineering; Fellow of ASM, MRS and TMS Learn More |
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Speech Title: Global Energy Challenges and Development of Thermoelectric Materials and Systems in China
Dr. Qingjie Zhang, Director, State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing; President, Wuhan University of Technology; Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
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Speech Title: Silicon-based Nanostructures for Photonics Applications
Dr. Peter Mascher, Professor and William Sinclair Chair in Optoelectronics; Vice-Provost, International Affairs, McMaster University; Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Canada
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Plenary Speakers of AMSE-2019 |
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Speech Title: 4D Printing of Composites
Dr. Suong Van Hoa, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Director of Concordia Center for Composites, Canada |
Speech Title: The Role of Electrode Microstructure in Fuel Cells and Batteries
Dr. Nigel Brandon, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, UK |
Speech Title: Irradiation Hardening and Embrittlement in Structural Materials
Dr. Huiling Duan, Chair Professor and Deputy Dean, School of engineering, Peking University, China |
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Speech Title: Recent Development in Advanced Composite Materials Research
Dr. Alan Kin Tak Lau, Vice-Chancellor and Professor, Swinburne University of Technology, Academician, European Academy of Sciences, Australia |
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Speech Title: The Art and Application Space in Responsive Polymers and 3,4D Interactive Material Systems Through Additive Soft Microfabrication
Dr. Raymond Oliver, Professor, Northumbria University; Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering; Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK |
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Title: Poro-Hyperelasticity: The Mechanics of Fluid-Saturated Soft Materials
Dr. A.P.S. Selvadurai, Fellow, The Royal Society of Canada; William Scott Professor and James McGill Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, Canada |